Making Good Things Happen
We love this community and supporting the programs that are dear to our hearts. We feel lucky to be in a position to give back both with our time and financially. Here is a small glimpse of the groups we cherish.
Teachers shouldn’t have to purchase supplies for students.
We “mint” to tell you we’re NUTS about you!
Goodies for the hardworking teachers & Staff
at Whitehead Road Elementary.

United Way’s, Power of the Purse. The lunch and Silent Auction benefited Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library for Clarke and Oconee Counties.

Today was a good day to give back! We dropped off school supplies at Whitehead Road Elementary School.
Goodies for Whitehead Road Elementary
Books for Keeps distribution to 3rd & 4th Graders

So lucky to have such great programs in our community. Here is my annual donation to Athens Community Council on Aging’s Grandparents Raising Grandkids Program. Honored to be able to give back.